JEROME'S COMMONS APPEARANCE. Saturday, February 8th, 2014

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Jerome:- After 6 weeks of heavy rain and constant warnings of flooding in the Southeast, I wondered if this would be a walk or a swim. Indeed, would anyone come? 11 hardy souls did arrive at Stedham common car park on a day beset with warnings of more rain, gales, hale and other weather delights. There might be some mud on the way, I suggested!
Within a minute of the car park we were in a primaeval swamp, a squally shower arrived and that set the tone for the day. Despite all these challenges, the group showed great spirit, with lots of jovial banter to keep us going as we slithered along in the mud. A tour of Iping and Stedham commons and then a long climb up to the top of the south downs; a descent to the south followed by another climb up and descent to Cocking for a well earned lunch with the sun making a brief appearance much to the delight of the picnic group.
A loop to the east of Midhurst after lunch brought fresh excitement as we encountered small streams that had become raging torrents, we clambered up a bank giving some the opportunity to show their high jump skills in doing a western roll over logs, or was it a Sussex roll? Up to an old railway line and finally sanity returned with a stroll through Midhurst and return across the commons. Finished just in daylight at 5 having covered 19 miles although the effort involved in the terrain made it seem considerably more.
Well done to all, especially Martin who was doing his 1st long walk. Will we ever see him again?

Janette & John:- Thank you Jerome we really enjoyed the walk. Not put off by the weather and looking forward to the next walk!

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